director & cinematographer | photographer


Who is Divie?



“I just want to show the world the beauty around them every day. Whether it’s a landscape or city, an event like a wedding, or a portrait, I want everyone to see it with my unique vision.”



My name is Divie Moss and I am a photographer/videographer based in Atlanta, Georgia.

About five years ago I randomly bought a camera because I wanted a hobby to utilize my creativity. Little did I know that my random purchase would turn into a full on obsession. After finding my hobby more fun than I expected I got a job photographing events and sports for my university at the time, and never looked back. It’s pretty amazing what a camera gives you the ability to do, with just the press of a button, the open and close of the shutter, you can freeze time and capture a moment forever. I love how an image or frame of a certain second in time can create so much emotion from somebody. One picture can transport someone back in time.

That is my goal and why I fell in love with being behind a camera. I want to give people something to take them back in time, I want to capture every event and production so well that just looking at my picture or video can stir emotion or memories inside. I want people to see the unique vision that I see every day.